Cosmetic Acupuncture Services


facial Acupuncture

A gentle, holistic approach
to get your glow back.

Cosmetic Acupuncture involves gently inserting hyper-thin, traditional acupuncture needles in the facial area and other body points. This treatment aids in stimulating collagen and elastin production, which helps your skin to be nourished, oxygenated and moisturized… from the inside out.

Initial Visit ………………………..$190

Follow-ups Treatments……$127


Ideal for acne scars, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles.

Microneedling, also called collagen induction therapy, stimulates collagen production with very little downtime & visible results. With a shorter recovery time compared to lasers or chemical peels, this treatment creates phenomenal changes to the skin texture and pigment in just 3-6 sessions, and lasts 3-5 years.

Single Session…………………..$250



*Recommended for maximum results.

If you’d like additional Microneedling services done on other areas beyond your face, you can chose from our add ons during any Microneedling appointment:

Add On - Décolletage………$100

Add On - Back of Hands…..$50

Facial Cupping and Gua Sha

For facial swelling, TMJ,
or under eye circles.

Facial cupping and gua sha are a TCM application that dates back thousands of years. The benefits include: breaking up stagnation and congestion of the tissues while stimulating a healthy flow of qi and blood. Activating the lymphatic system, it’s ideal for facial swelling or under eye swelling.

Cupping/Gua Sha……………$60