What Is Getting a Private Acupuncture Treatment Like?

New patients often ask me this question:

"What is it Like to Get an Acupuncture Treatment?"

I love this question.

Why? Because acupuncture is not usually what people are expecting. It's BETTER.  The needles are tiny (much thinner than you're likely imagining) and most patients take a nap (some literally snore through it!). The clinic space is warm, quiet and comfy. The treatment itself is comfortable - it would have to be, in order to nap, right?  

The Zen Den is unique because we are a hybrid clinic, offering both private and community style acupuncture treatments; and both experiences are highly nap-worthy in my humble opinion. There's a couple differences between these appointments and I thought it would be helpful to provide a quick overview of what to expect from a private acupuncture treatment.

For Private Acupuncture Visits:

1-First we talk about the symptoms or conditions that are bothering you - what you came in to be treated for.

2-I'll also ask questions about your health in general (digestion, energy, etc.) and healthy history.

3-I’ll ask to see your tongue and take your pulse. These are important for Chinese medicine diagnosis. They help me understand how all your body’s internal systems are working together, so that I can choose the most appropriate acupuncture points for your treatment. 😁

4-Then you'll lay down on the treatment table and I'll quickly put in the needles. It only takes about 5 minutes. If appropriate, I'll apply essential oils to acupuncture points or I'll add electrical stimulation to some of the points, all of these are included into your treatment, free of charge.

5-I then leave you alone to rest for 25-40 minutes. There's quiet music and a heat lamp in case your feet get chilly.

6-Then... you nap! >> Optional. Maybe you meditate on the meaning of life or daydream about your next vacation. Up to you!

7-After 30 minutes or so, I come back and take the needles out, sometimes I'll add some cupping, gua sha or body work if I feel it's appropriate for your condition.

At the end of your treatment, you will receive a clear diagnosis and treatment plan as well as a Chinese herbal formula suggestions and/or dietary or lifestyle recommendations so you can get the optimum results out of your treatment plan.

While I love community acupuncture I love taking the time to get a fine tuned diagnosis and treatment plan for more complex cases in my private acupuncture session.


Dr. Michelle Hamilton