5 Benefits of Microneedling

Healthy skin depends on high collagen levels, and as we age collagen levels drop. Fortunately, there are a few ways to increase those levels. Two ways to do so are microneedling and acupuncture. While you may be familiar with our acupuncture facelift services, you may have less experience with our microneedling services.

How Does Microneedling Work?

Microneedling Therapy is also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT). It is a limited invasive skin- rejuvenation procedure that leverages the industry’s latest AcuMicro Needle Pen tool.

Microneedling works by causing micro-injuries to the skin’s top layer. This term might sound frightening, but in reality, it causes no trauma to the skin and inspires the body to send more collagen protein to rebuild the skin’s structure from the ground up. The result is stronger, healthier, more attractive-looking skin.

Top 5 Benefits of Microneedling

Benefit #1. Reduces the Appearance of & Treats Wrinkles

Preventing wrinkles is eye if you want to stave off premature aging. Fine lines and wrinkles are the first sign of aging. Fortunately, the near-invisible injuries caused by microneedling boost both elastin and collagen production to virtually reverse lines and wrinkles. As the body heals the wounds caused by this process, your body’s healing mechanisms stimulate the production of new skin cells, causing crow’s feet, fine lines, and forehead wrinkles to be less defined.

Benefit #2. Treats Scars to Heal Skin

Another benefit of microneedling is the treatment of scars. In the same way that this treatment aids in preventing premature aging, it also easily heals scars on the surface of the skin. Unfortunately, it cannot treat raised scars, also known as keloid scars.

Benefit #3. Rolls Back Premature Aging

In addition to wrinkles, other signs of premature aging include discoloration and lack of skin elasticity. As this happens, the skin begins to lax. It can look dull and doesn’t have the same youthful glow it once did. Microneedling turns back the clock to reverse this process.

A buildup of collagen occurs in response to the tiny wounds inflicted on the surface of the skin. This fights sagging caused by a lack of elasticity. Most of our clients experience noticeable changes to their skin within just 24 hours of a single microneedling treatment.

Benefit #4. Reduces the Appearance of Rosacea

Microneedling also reduces the appearance of rosacea. This commonly occurring skin discoloration and thickening disease can be addressed with microneedling sessions. Rosacea speeds up the breakdown of collagen within your skin. Microneedling offsets this breakdown by stimulating the production of collagen, once again, leaving the skin less inflamed and irritated.

Benefit #5. Treats Acne

For adult acne sufferers, microneedling offers numerous benefits once again. It helps improve the delivery of topical acne treatment applications, thereby enhancing treatment. Continued microneedling sessions can also help eliminate adult acne symptoms.

For a limited Time Zen Den is offering an introductory offer to try your first Microneedling session for 50% off the regular price.

Whether you regularly receive acupuncture treatments and are looking for a new alternative or if you’re simply interested in exploring how microneedling can benefit your skin, we’re offering 50% off 1 microneedling session, offer expires 7/31/23.