What to wear to Community Acupuncture?

What should you wear to your next community acupuncture treatment?

Basically, think PJ-chic.

Community Acupuncture calls for comfortable, loose, soft and comfortable clothing.

Receiving a community acupuncture treatment entails being treated in a tranquil group setting. You’ll lay in your own personal recliner to receive your treatment so looser clothing with easy access to acupuncture points is ideal.

Some of the most powerful acupuncture points are located on the limbs, specifically below the elbows and knees, so its recommended that pants should be able to come up above the knee - comfortably, without feeling like you're cutting off your circulation. Shirt sleeves should also be able to comfortably roll up to you elbows, with a tank top being ideal.

Tight leggings, skinny jeans, and tight sleeves should be avoided as they cut off blood circulation and restrict the flow of qi in the body. We strive to keep the temperature of the clinic ideal for wearing minimal clothing and also have heat lamps, hot pack sand blankets on hand to keep your body cozy and comfortable.

It’s also important to note that even if you have pain in a specific area of the body (say, wrist pain, for example), it's pretty likely that your acupuncturist will put needles in OTHER areas of your body as well, to help address that pain.

These points are called "distal" points (aka, far away from the area of pain) and are used because everything in the body is connected, according to Chinese medicine.

So even if you have wrist pain, it's likely your acupuncturist may still want to put needles in at your knees and elbows. Wearing comfy clothes that allow access to these areas is the way to go.

If you're coming after work and can't wear pajama-like clothes, no worries. We'll always figure out a way to access the necessary points and allow you to still be comfy enough to take a nap!

But if you ever have the chance, try wearing your PJs to acupuncture (or bring them along so you can change), and see how much easier and comfier it is!